
How to eliminate insects that cause stomach pain in children

stomach pain in children

It is not something to be diagnosed with insects in the intestines or stomach of children, about which someone is surprised to say, ‘What did you say insects in the stomach?’

In many countries of the world, insects are diagnosed in the stomach of children and sometimes adults, and this is very common in Pakistan, India, Bangladesh and Afghanistan.

However, this is a big problem. These insects or infections can be caused by our food, water or other sources. Its main symptoms are the presence of long worms in the stool or abdominal pain and itching near the stomach. Further diagnosis is made after these symptoms appear.

Such insects found in the stomach are also called stomach worms. There are many varieties such as round worms, flat or flat worms, or in English they are also called tapeworms.

Each of these insects has different characteristics. Their life cycle and impact on our health are also different.

The types of insects called round, whip, hook, encelostoma are those that enter our stomach due to contact during playing or working with the soil.

How do you or your children cope with them?
The presence of insects in the stomach or this infection can often occur if a person or child touches something that has insect eggs on it, and if you do not wash your hands after that, then it is just what we are talking about, that is, those eggs enter your stomach due to not washing hands.

Infection or contact with soil containing insect eggs can be caused, or by eating food containing insect eggs or drinking drinking water.

The infection occurs in places where the sewerage system is not proper and even if the toilets are not clean. Eating raw meat as well as fish with insect infections can cause discomfort. Sometimes pets can also cause this infection or stomach worms.

Many children are affected by insects that look like threads. The problem starts when the eggs of these long rope-like insects go into the stomach. The eggs of these insects stop in the lower part of the stomach. This causes itching.

These eggs can spread to clothes, toys, toothbrushes, kitchen or bathroom floors, beds, food, anything, and not only that, but they also enter the human body from there.

People who touch these objects or surfaces and then apply the same hand to the mouth can be infected with germs. The eggs of thread-like insects survive in most places for up to two weeks.

When eggs enter the stomach, they release larvae into your stomach and become large insects in a month or two.

Once treated, children can become re-infected after exposure to such eggs, so children should get used to washing hands regularly.

To prevent these thread-like insects from occurring

Everyone should wash their hands thoroughly, cut their nails.
It is important to wash hands before meals, after going to the toilet, and after changing the baby’s nappy or pamper.

Children should get used to washing hands regularly. You should bathe with clean water every day.
Brushes should be thoroughly washed before and after brushing teeth.
Bed sheets, towels should be washed in warm water and stuff toys should be kept clean.
Keep the kitchen and bathroom clean.
Now let’s try to find out once how to protect ourselves from these insects.

The UK Healthcare NHS offers some suggestions in this regard.

According to this, you should wash your hands before eating any food item. Hands should be washed thoroughly after touching the soil and using the toilet. When you go to an area where you suspect the water may be muddy or dirty, use water from a closed water bottle.

Wash all vegetables and fruits thoroughly, give your pets pesticides in your home on time, and remove their waste from the house as soon as possible.

Children should not be allowed to go near dog and cat waste and play in these places, and avoid fruits and vegetables in places where the risk of infection is high.

Do not walk barefoot in areas where chances of infection are high.

How do you know if you have a worm in your stomach?
Some symptoms appear when worms arise in the stomach.

In children or adults, abdominal pain, nausea, or feeling uncomfortable, feeling vomiting.

Many people suffer from diarrhea, but some also get constipation.
The patient has to face weight loss along with hunger. Patients infected with insects feel weak as well as tired.
Itching, lack of sleep and restlessness are found in the stomach. In adults, the stomach feels full of air and in some patients there is also anemia.

Why is it important to eliminate pests and how to do it?
A variety of insects in your body can have a negative effect on health. This can lead to a variety of problems and complications.

This can lead to anemia and affect the development of young children. There is also a risk of malnutrition and your organs can also be damaged.

For this, the World Health Organization has proposed a solution to eliminate regular germs.

Dr Rohit Kaku, Director of Health, Madhusudan Multi-Specialist Hospital, Dombivli, explains about the elimination of stomach worms, saying, “Children in the age group of 12 to 23 months, children in the age group of one to four years and children in the age group of five to 12 years are given protective medicine once a year or twice a year to eliminate soil-borne insects. can. The dose of the drug is reduced according to age and need. ‘

How to eliminate insects?
Dr. Rohit Kaku says, “Many diseases caused by insects also affect children and elderly people, so these medicines should be taken twice a year i.e. every six months with the advice of a doctor.” This process can be started with children over two years of age. ‘

He says, “By doing this process, the worms produced in the stomach come out. In areas where insects pass through the soil and enter the bodies of a large number of children, the World Health Organization has proposed a program to eliminate germs after a certain period of time. ‘

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