
Summer gardening

Summer gardening

The changing weather also affects our lives a lot. Our lifestyle, living, eating and drinking all change according to the demands of the season. If we talk about gardening, it is beneficial to cultivate new plants according to the season. As summer approaches, seeds of fruits, vegetables, flowers and herbs of this season are available in the market, thanks to which you can easily add new plants to your garden.

Different types of herbs can be cultivated in summer season which helps in making our daily dishes tasty. You can cultivate different types of basil in this season. It flourishes well in summer season. Liquorice Basil and its legume can be an interesting choice.

Apart from this, Haradhnia can also be cultivated easily.

A wide variety of chillies is also a feature of this season. Chives and garlic chives (a garlicky plant whose scaly leaves are used as a herb) are widely used to enhance the taste of food. Apart from turmeric, Ginger, lemongrass, rocket arugula, fennel, calendulas (a plant of the genus Calendula with yellow and orange flowers), chervils (an umbrella plant whose leaves are used to flavor ice creams and salads, etc.), celery, feverfew (a fragrant Shrubs with hairy leaves and white flowers, nasturtiums and summer savory plants are also perfect for summer.

Borage, also known as Borago Officinalis, is a unique and flavorful herb. Borage is the name given to the plant in the genus Borago, which bears bright blue flowers. Borage is very easy to cultivate. It also has the ability to sow through.
Its cultivation is ideal according to our climate, especially the weather of Karachi.

In Pakistan, it can be cultivated throughout the year. However, in case of excessive heat, it is better to take a break during this period. In the northern regions where it snows in winter, do not wait for the summer season to cultivate it. It is necessary.
Morning sun is beneficial for Borage in winter, but it needs partial shade in summer.

Also, it is important to water them daily during this season. Autoflowers thrive well if they get the right temperature. This plant grows up to one to two feet in clumps, which makes it very attractive in gardens and yards. It seems that it is best to plant them directly in the ground, but they can also be planted in pots.
The flowers and young leaves of fennel can be eaten raw.

When added to salads, they not only look good, but also add to the enjoyment of the salad. However, older leaves can be cooked like spinach.
Gooseberry is also known as an excellent eco-friendly plant. It is an ideal plant to grow with tomato, cabbage, squash (a ground vine of the genus Cucurbita with pumpkin-like seeds) and strawberry plants.

It keeps away insects that attack tomatoes and cabbage in particular and also helps in attracting beneficial insects to other plants and gardens. Its plant is full of mineral, salt, calcium and potassium. It is found in full quantity, which is the reason why it is useful in the preparation of fertilizer. It also has a variety with white flowers and some colorful leaves. Therefore, it is an interesting activity to cultivate herbs in summer. These nutritional superfoods can be utilized by doing this.


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