
Color hair carefully

Color hair

The tradition of hair dyeing has been going on since ancient times. Even today, women continue to try different tricks to dye their hair. For some time, it has become very popular to dye hair. The concept of this was at the time when the hair started to turn white, but now the practice of dyeing it as a fashion has become common. Also, other than henna, different colors have started to be used to dye it, because the current era. I have replaced black henna and dyes with different hair colors.

Hair dyeing with henna is a very harmless and side effect-free method. But synthetic hair colors, as they are made from a mixture of many chemicals, pose a risk of damaging the skin.


Therefore, it is important to take precautions while using hair color. Before using it, know that it is not harmful to your skin.

The best way is to apply a little color on the skin of your hand, wash after 20 minutes and see if there are no red spots on your skin. If you feel allergic, do not use that color. Choose hair color according to your hair color. Generally, hair has two natural colors. Black and brown, all other colors are derived from them. There are many shades of hair colors available in the market to match these two colors. .
Before dyeing your hair, you should know what your actual hair color is. Then choose the hair color accordingly so that your hair color looks natural.

While dyeing hair, its marks are left on hands, ears and neck. To avoid this, apply cold cream on hands, sides of ears and neck. This will protect your skin from marks.
After making the paste, do not delay in applying it otherwise its effectiveness starts changing. After preparing the mixture, start applying it immediately and do not take a break in between while applying it. After dyeing the hair, wash it with lukewarm water 7 or 8 times. Never use hair color on eyelashes and eyebrows. If your eyelashes and eyebrows are turning white, try to hide it by using cosmetics.

Sometimes the structure of our hair is such that it takes a lot of time to dye it by itself and we have to take the help of a professional for it. If the dyeing process is not done correctly, sometimes This results in the opposite. This is even more noticeable when you are choosing a lighter color.

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