
Beautiful shiny nails | Nail health | Nail cutting


Beautiful ‘shiny’ pink nails indicate excellent health. Ayurvedic doctors usually examine the nails and eyes first to diagnose the disease. Cracked, cracked and white-spotted nails indicate internal health problems. Most people complain of discolored nails and white spots on them.

White spots on the nails and their discoloration is called Leukonychia disease. The causes of this disease can be different.


In addition to fungal infection, working with rapid movements of the fingers (such as running fingers on the keyboard or playing the desk, etc.) are among the main causes. In addition, zinc and vitamin B6 in the body. Imbalance can also be the cause of this situation. To solve this, make green leafy vegetables, citrus fruits and fish an essential part of your diet. Regular use of Nail Strengthener will also lead to rejuvenating your nails.

Nail cutting is an art

Well-trimmed nails not only look beautiful and attractive, but are also considered a sign of good and standard hygiene.

From thousands of years ago, men and women have been not only taking care of their hands and nails, but also inventing various products to make them more healthy and beautiful. Not only do they look beautiful and attractive, but they are also considered a symbol of good and standard hygiene.

Today, both men and women have beautiful manicured nails. In this article, we are sharing a step-by-step recipe that you can use to make your nails beautiful and attractive at home.
Useful tips
Never shake the bottle of nail polish. After applying nail polish on the nails, air bubbles often form in them. To avoid them, gently hold the bottle in both palms and rotate it.

Nail clippers
Nail clippers are made of metal and are used to cut and shorten fingernails and toenails.
Cuticles nippers
These are also made of metal and with the help of them the hang nails (hanging flesh of the edges) are trimmed and given a beautiful shape.
White stick
It is a white pencil used to whiten the under skin of ingrown nails.

Manicure Caesar
It is a scissors and it is used to cut nail art items like silk and lens etc.
It is a fine tweezer that is used to pick up small objects.

Nail health

Soft, velvety and soft hands are not just a poet’s imagination. You do a million household chores with your own hands. If you take care of these nails, they will neither show signs of age nor neglect. Let’s fulfill the dream of beautiful hands by trying the 7 proven tricks listed below.

Lemon juice and olive oil
To take care of discolored, deformed, chapped hands and the skin around them, just mix a few drops of lemon juice with a teaspoon of olive oil and massage gently.
It is better to do the massage at night after finishing all the work and take cotton cloth gloves for yourself as it will be difficult to get a restful sleep by wearing gloves all night but try to massage your hands even for an hour. The natural benefits of lemon and olive oil are available.

Lemon juice and salt
If you don’t have black salt, it doesn’t matter. Mix a pinch of white (refined) salt in the juice of one lemon and apply it on the nails with the help of a soft brush.

Just clean the nails for 15 to 20 minutes at intervals. After two to four times of practice, the yellow nails will become white and naturally shiny.
Sea salt
Add some sea salt to warm water and soak your fingers in this water for 20 minutes and then wipe with a clean cloth and apply some hand cream. Doing this continuously for ten days will make the nails naturally pink and shiny.

Petroleum jelly
Petroleum jelly is a good solution for skin cleansing. If a little egg yolk and peach oil are mixed with it, the dark color of the fingers will disappear. Petroleum jelly can be used to remove makeup.
One of the main reasons for weak nails is dehydration.
According to European experts, we should drink 2 liters of water every day. Drinking plain water also improves general health and skin as well as hair and nails will feel better.

Vitamin D and Calcium
Consuming foods rich in vitamin D and the mineral calcium strengthens nails. If your diet is not good, it is difficult to maintain good health.
If you can eat a balanced diet, then take the supplements prescribed by the doctor, i.e. multivitamins, with breakfast and lunch. Drink milk and if you don’t like milk, eat yogurt so that vitamin D and calcium are natural and nutritional. The body gets the component from the sources. Be sure to sit or walk in the soft sun in the early morning and before the evening, in this way it is also possible to get natural vitamin D.

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