
When Israeli Intelligence Stole a Russian Fighter Jet

private jet

When Mir Amit was appointed as the head of Israel’s intelligence agency Mossad on March 25, 1963, he met with several Israeli defense officials and asked what could be Mossad’s greatest contribution to Israel’s security.

Everyone said that it would be great if somehow they could bring the Soviet MiG-21 to Israel. The real story begins when Ezer Weizmann becomes the head of the Israeli Air Force.

He continued to have breakfast with Mir Amit every two or three weeks. During one such meeting, Mir also asked him what he could do for him. Without wasting a second, Weizmann said: ‘I want a MiG-21.’

Mir Amit writes in his book ‘Head to Head’: ‘I said to Weizmann, have you gone mad? There is not a single MiG aircraft in the entire Western world, but Weizmann stood his ground, saying that we need the MiG-21 anyway. To achieve it, you must exert all your strength.

Amit writes: ‘I gave this responsibility to Rahiva Vardi. He had earlier unsuccessfully tried to bring this plane from Egypt and Syria.

Security responsibility of MiG-21

The Soviet Union started supplying MiG-21 to the Arab countries in 1961.

Doron Geller in his article ‘Stealing a Soviet MiG Operation Diamond’ writes: ‘By 1963 the MiG-21 had become an important part of the air forces of Egypt, Syria and Iraq. The Russians were maintaining the highest level of secrecy for this aircraft.

“The biggest condition they imposed on giving the planes to the Arab countries was that although the planes would stay on their soil, the safety, training and maintenance of the planes would be the responsibility of the Soviet authorities.”

No one in the West had any idea of ​​the MiG-21’s capabilities.

Geller writes: Verdi began to look for leads in Arab countries. Several weeks later, he received a report from the Israeli military attaché in Iran, Yaqub Nimradi, that he knew an Iraqi Jew, Yusuf Shamish. He said that he knows an Iraqi pilot who can bring MiG-21 aircraft to Israel.

Shamesh was unmarried and used to living a lavish life. He had an amazing ability to befriend people and win their complete confidence.

Shamish had a Christian girlfriend in Baghdad whose sister Kamila was married to Captain Munir Radfa, a Christian pilot in the Iraqi Air Force.

Shamesh knew that Munir was not satisfied because he was not promoted despite being an excellent pilot. They were told to bomb Kurdish populations in their own country.

When he complained about this to his officers, he was told that because he was a Christian, he could not be promoted and could never become a squadron leader.

Ridfa was very courageous. He believed that there is no point in staying in Iraq now. After talking to Ridfa, a young pilot, for almost a year, Shamesh was able to convince him to fly to Athens.

Shamesh told Iraqi officials that Ridfa’s wife had a serious illness and could only survive with treatment from Western doctors. They should be taken to Greece immediately.

Her husband must also be allowed to accompany her, as he is the only one in the family who can speak English.

The Iraqi authorities agreed to his request and Munir Radfa was allowed to travel to Athens with his wife.

A million dollar offer

In Athens, the Mossad sent another Israeli Air Force pilot, Col. Zef Leron, to meet Ridfa.

The Mossad codenamed Ridfa Yaholom, meaning diamond. The entire mission was named ‘Operation Diamond’.

One day Leron asked Ridfa: ‘If you go out of Iraq with your plane, what is the most that can happen?’

Ridfa’s reply was: ‘They will kill me and no country will be willing to give me shelter.’

To this Leron said: “There is one country that will welcome you openly and its name is Israel.”

After a day of thinking, Ridfa agreed to come out of Iraq with a MiG-21 aircraft.

Leron later recounted the conversation with Ridfa in an interview.

Arabic song code word
From Greece both went to Rome. Shamesh and his lady friend also reached there. A few days later, Yehuda Porat, a research officer of the Israeli Air Force’s intelligence department, also arrived there.

It was decided in Rome how the liaison between Israeli intelligence and Ridfa would be established.

Michael Bar-Zohar and Naseem Mashal in their book ‘The Greatest Mission of the Israeli Secret Service Mossad’ write: ‘It was certain that when Ridfa would hear the famous Arabic song ‘Marhabatin Marhabatin’ from Israel’s radio station Kol, it would be a The signal will be to leave Iraq. But they had no idea that Mir Amit, the head of Mossad in Rome, was keeping an eye on them.

Ridfa was called to Israel for a briefing, where he stayed for just 24 hours. During this, the whole plan was explained to him in detail. The Mossad gave him the secret code.

Israeli spies took them to Allenby Street, Tel Aviv’s main street. In the evening, they were treated to dinner at a large restaurant in Tafa.

From there Ridfa went to Athens and then changed ships to Baghdad and began preparations for the final stage of the plan.

Now the next problem was how to get the pilot’s family out of Iraq. He was to be sent first to England and then to America.

Ridfa also had several sisters and brothers-in-law and it was important to get them all out of Iraq. And it was decided that his family would be taken to Israel.

Michael Bar Zohar and Naseem Meshaal write: ‘Ridfa’s wife Kamila had no idea of ​​the plan and Ridfa was afraid to tell her the truth.’

He writes: ‘Ridfa only told him that he was going to Europe for a few days. She first went to Amsterdam with her two children.

The Mossad men who were waiting for him there took him to Paris, where Zeff Leron met him. Ridfa’s wife still did not know who these people were.

Ridfa’s wife started crying
“They were housed in a small apartment, with only one double bed,” Leron later recalled. We sat on this bed.

“The night before I left for Israel, I told Kamila that I was an Israeli officer and that her husband would also arrive the next day.

He had a very dramatic reaction. She cried and screamed all night. She said that her husband is a traitor and when his brothers find out what he has done, they will kill him.

Leron writes: ‘They felt they had no other choice. With swollen eyes and a sick child, we boarded a plane to Israel.

On July 17, 1966, a Mossad station in Europe received a coded letter from Ridfa stating that he was fully prepared to fly out of Iraq.

On August 14, Ridfa flew a MiG-21 aircraft but due to a malfunction in the aircraft’s electrical system, he had to withdraw the aircraft and land at Rashid Air Base.

Ridfa later learned that the plane’s malfunction was not serious. Actually his cockpit was full of smoke due to burnt fuse but he didn’t want to take any risk so he landed the plane at Rashid Airbase.

Two days later Ridfa flew again in the same MiG-21. They continued to fly on a predetermined route.

Michael Bar-Zohar and Naseem Mashal write: ‘First Ridfa headed for Baghdad and then diverted his plane to Israel. The Iraqi control room took notice of this and repeatedly sent messages to Ridfa to go back.

When this had no effect on Munir, they threatened to shoot down his plane. Ridfa then turned off his radio.

Two Israeli pilots were tasked with escorting the Iraqi pilot to an Israeli airbase as he entered the Israeli border.

The Rain Packers, who are considered to be among the best pilots in Israel, were given the responsibility of protecting Ridfa.

Rainpacker sent a message to Air Force Control: ‘Our guest has slowed down and is giving me the thumbs up signal that he wants to descend. He has also moved his wings, which is an international code for him, his intentions are good.

Ridfa’s plane landed at Israel’s Hazor Airbase at 8:00 a.m. exactly 65 minutes after taking off from Baghdad.

Within a year of the start of ‘Operation Diamond’ and six months before the start of the 1967 Six-Day War, the Israeli Air Force had the MiG-21, the world’s most advanced aircraft at the time.

The Mossad team had made the impossible possible. After landing, a distraught and shaken Ridfa was taken to the home of the Hazor base commander.

There, several senior Israeli officers pulled him into the party without realizing what was going on at the time. Ridfa sat in a corner of the party and did not say a word.

Munir Radfa’s address to the press
After resting and relaxing for a while, his wife and children boarded a ship for Israel.

Munir Radfa was taken to address the press conference. There he told how Christians were being tortured in Iraq and how his own people were dropping bombs on the Kurds.

After the press conference, Munir was taken to meet his family in Herzliya, a seaside town north of Tel Aviv.

Mir Amit later wrote that I tried my best to calm him down, encourage him and praise him for what he did.

I assured him that we would do everything possible for him and his family, but Munir’s family, especially his wife, was unwilling to cooperate.

A few days after Munir landed with the MiG-21, his wife’s brother, an officer in the Iraqi Air Force, also arrived in Israel.

Shamesh and his girlfriend Camille also came with them. He was told that he was being taken to Europe where his sister was very ill. But when he was introduced to his brother-in-law Munir in Israel, he lost his cool.

Calling him a traitor, they jumped on him and tried to kill him. He also accused his sister of being involved in this conspiracy.

He couldn’t believe that his sister didn’t know about it either. His sister made many explanations but it had no effect. After a few days, he went back to Iraq.

An Israeli pilot flew a MiG-21
The MiG-21 was first flown by Danny Shapira, Israel’s most famous air force pilot.

A day after the plane landed, the Air Force Chief called him and told him that he would be the first western pilot to fly the MiG-21. You have to study this aircraft closely and find out its pros and cons.

Danny Shapira later recalled: ‘We met at Hatzor where the MiG-21 was parked. Ridfa told me all the buttons. We read all the instructions about the plane, which were written in Arabic and Russian.

After an hour, I told him that I was going to fly. He was surprised. He said, you haven’t completed the flying course. I told him I was a test pilot. He said he would stay with me, I said ok.

The MiG-21 was a ton lighter than the Mirage 3
Michael Bar-Zohar and Naseem Mashal write: “All the senior officers of the Israeli Air Force arrived at Hatzor to witness the maiden flight of the MiG-21.”

Former Air Force chief Ezer Weizmann was also present there. He patted Shapira on the shoulder and told him not to do any stunts and land the plane safely. Ridfa was also there.

As soon as Shapira landed after the flight, Munir Radfa came running towards him. There were tears in his eyes.

He said that Arabs will never be able to defeat you with a pilot like you. After a few days of flying, air force experts understood why the MiG-21 aircraft is held in such high esteem in the West.

It can fly very fast at altitude and weighs a ton less than the Mirage 3 fighter jet.

Israel benefited from the war
The Americans sent a team of experts to Israel to study the plane and fly it, but the Israelis did not allow them near the plane.

Their condition was that the US should first share the technology of the Sam-2 anti-aircraft missile with the Soviet Union. Later, the US agreed to it.

American pilots reach Israel. He inspected the MiG-21 and also flew it.

The Israeli Air Force benefited greatly from knowing the secret of the MiG-21. He helped them prepare for the Six Day War with Arab countries.

The mystery of this MiG-21 played a huge role in Israel’s victory and within hours Israel destroyed the entire Arab air force.

Ridfa left Israel
Munir Radfa and his family had to pay a heavy price.

Michael Bar Zohar and Naseem Mashal write: ‘Munir had to live a hard, lonely and unpleasant life in Israel. Living a new life outside their country became an impossible task for them. Munir and his family fell into depression and eventually their family broke up.

He writes: ‘For three years, Munir tried to make Israel his home and even flew Dakota aircraft for Israeli oil companies, but his heart was not there.’

In Israel, he was given the identity of an Iranian refugee, but he could not adapt to life in Israel. A few days later, he left Israel and settled in a Western country with a fake identity.

Even there, despite being surrounded by security personnel, he felt alone. He was always afraid that one day the notorious ‘informer’ of Iraq would target him.

Israelis shed tears for Munir
Munir Radfa died of a heart attack at his home in August 1988, 22 years after flying the MiG-21 to Israel.

Mossad organized a memorial service in honor of Munir Radfa. It was an unforgettable scene.

Israel’s intelligence agency was mourning the death of the Iraqi pilot.

Later, two much-discussed films were made on Ridfa’s life, ‘Steal the Sky’ and ‘Get Me Mag 21’.

The MiG-21 brought by Redfa was taken to the Hatazarin Air Force Museum in Israel, where it remains today.


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