
How thousands of dollars are being made from White Noise

a washing machine

This is the era of popularity of podcasts all over the world. New products are constantly coming in this mode of broadcasting and they are also becoming quite popular.

Now a lot of money is being made from podcasts made by recording the sound of a washing machine, a fan running or the sound of rain. Such sounds are called white noise. It is being considered as a new way of living a peaceful life.

White noise podcasters create a world of peace. They are helping thousands of listeners to stay away from noise pollution, stay calm and get a restful sleep.

You can gauge how popular they are by looking at their listings on popular video and audio platforms. Celestial White Noise has 507 million views on YouTube, while ‘White Noise for Babies to Sleep’ has 208 million views.

Now there are more and more podcasts of such voices. These sounds are ideal for masking or masking other sounds. They are usually used to mask the sound of cars, construction or barking dogs.

The White Noise Market
Todd Moore is an American entrepreneur who has been recording white noise for TMSoft for the past 12 years in the ‘White Noise Sleep Sound Podcast’.

“I’m sure everyone is looking for ways to get a good night’s sleep,” he says. Some people meditate but I have discovered the best way to sleep at night. According to me white noise and natural sounds in nature are very effective for good sleep.

In 2009, Moore launched a free app called White Noise Lite, but now the app has been downloaded 170,000 times on the Apple Store alone.

“The idea to create a white noise app came around the time the iPhone came out and launched its own app store,” says Moore. Since I always slept under a fan, the first thing that came to my mind was to record her voice. I could record it on an iPhone and take it with me.’

“Now I have started recording other types of sounds like air conditioners,” he says. I used to go to the garden and record the sound of prawns, I also started recording rain and other sounds of nature. Then I started putting them into the app. It was very simple, I had ten different sounds and I could listen to them all night long.’

Moore elaborated that ‘listening to the audio for ten hours without interruption was the most difficult task. It took me a long time. But once I got it done, I just had to put it together.

In the beginning, I made some money from it but it was not my intention at all. I thought these sounds might be helpful to someone, that’s why I put them in free download mode.

“Very quickly it became the number one app,” he says. Everyone was listening to these sounds, downloading them. I was getting hundreds of emails, then I started my podcast.’

Meanwhile, people were getting interested in podcasts. Seeing this, Moore began putting his White Noise recordings on podcasts.

‘We add new sounds every week,’ says Moore. This app is in its completion stages. We are sure that this will attract more and more people to the app. We are making decent money this way and also getting people’s attention but we didn’t expect to add 50 thousand daily audience.’

Podcasters making $18,000 per month

Podcasting has become a fast growing business. Moore now runs his own company with five people. There are three full-time employees and it is now a very lucrative business.

“We’re making good money,” says Moore, but he appears cautious about detailing his earnings.

According to an article published in Bloomberg, anchors also monitor accounts for their podcasts themselves and receive $12.25 for every 1,000 video plays. That means they earn $18,375 per month.

This is only for other ads including podcast launches. Apart from this, Moore also earns money from the app.

Moore has 1.5 million active subscribers and also sells a pro version of their app for $2.99.

“Making money is not that easy”

But monetizing a podcast, that is, making money from it, is also a complicated process. Francisco Ezqueja, Spanish podcaster and founder of the ‘Yes We’ cast, says ‘Not everyone can make money. Only a few podcasters are able to generate income.’

are therefore likely to create new formats and create new content like White Noise.’

‘99% of people who start a podcast start with a YouTube vlog,’ he says. Initially they do not earn money. It will take a long time for them to earn money.

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