
Plant Jade as a shade plant

shade plant

This plant called Jade is one of the shade plants that people keep in offices as well as homes. This plant belongs to the Crassula Ovata family. The specialty of this plant is that it absorbs water through its leaves, stem and roots. I store it. Indoors, this plant grows as a small shrub up to 14 inches tall. Its branches are thick, the leaves are oval, shiny and flexible.
You can keep this plant for decoration in both kitchen and office.
It thrives well in medium light and room temperature. It is not watered regularly, but when the soil starts to dry, it is watered.

If shade or brown marks appear on the leaves of Jade, then understand that it needs more water now, but no such sign is visible in winter and if you water it even once a week, it is plenty.

Instead of water, Jade needs a lot of compost, that is, add compost every two weeks and don’t fertilize from November to the end of March, it stays fresh.
They are dormant in winter. If your Jade plant is kept indoors, try to keep a light on at night, even if it’s a zero-power table lamp.
However, a little sunlight during the day is enough. These plants are usually threatened by mealybugs that gather under its stems and leaves. Insecticides can be used to get rid of them. If this medicine is not available to you, spray water mixed with detergent powder.

Like powder, fungus can also attack the plant. If you clean the clothes with soap and water, they will be as fresh as before. These plants bloom in cold weather. White and pink. Flowers add to the beauty of jade.

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