In the month of December, a large number of people are enjoying winter holidays at home.
It is a time when people wrap themselves in blankets and eat and drink cups of coffee and tea.
Due to the food consumed in winter and undue rest, there is a risk of increasing diseases, including the problems of increasing cholesterol.
In this regard, Hindustan Times has shared some tips from nutritionist Priyanka Rotahgi on how to control cholesterol. Let’s find out what they are.
Eat winter fruits and vegetables
A variety of fresh fruits, green leafy vegetables and salad vegetables such as carrots, cabbage and radishes are available in winter.
They are rich in vitamins, minerals and fiber which are beneficial for heart health and cholesterol. Apart from this, apples, pears and pomegranates are also useful snacks to control cholesterol.
Make friends with healthy fats
Not all fats are bad. While saturated and trans fats increase cholesterol, unsaturated fats such as omega-3 fatty acids are beneficial for heart health.
Make a habit of eating salmon, gray fish and pla fish during the winter season and use flaxseed, walnuts and sesame syrup to make healthy fats along with it.
Keep moving in the cold
Outdoor activities are generally limited during the winter season, but movement and exercise are essential to control cholesterol.
75 minutes of vigorous and 150 minutes of light exercise should be the norm in winter season.
Exercise can be done by brisk walking, swimming and dancing in winter.
Focus on sleep
A good sleep not only keeps the health of the whole body healthy but also keeps the cholesterol under control. Get seven to eight hours of sleep daily to keep cholesterol under control.
Reduce stress
Complex stress has negative effects on cholesterol levels. Spend time with your loved ones along with doing yoga and worship, spending time in nature during winter days.
By doing this, you will reduce your stress and lowering your stress will automatically reduce your cholesterol.
Do not allow dehydration
Drinking more water not only keeps your cholesterol level in check but also keeps your whole body healthy.
Cholesterol can increase due to lack of water in winter season, but if water is drunk in large quantity, it improves the metabolism of the body and removes acidity from the body, which keeps cholesterol under control.