
Does parents spanking children help them to improve

parents spanking children

Apparently this is the scene of a restaurant. Many young people are sitting on the chairs in groups while the glass smoke is also seen rising. Suddenly a man and a woman dressed in a black burqa come and start slapping a 16, 17-year-old boy. At the same time, this person also abuses the friends sitting with the young man, while a voice is heard from the background saying, ‘This is his father.’

The video of the incident recently went viral on social media in Pakistan, sparking a debate in which different views emerged on parenting and the effects of child abuse.

In such a case, the question also came up that what are the psychological effects of such incidents of beating or ill-treatment of children by parents and is there any such law or authority in Pakistan that provides protection to children?

However, before knowing the answers to these questions, let’s see what attitude has come out on social media.

Discussion on social media

Saad Qaiser wrote that “Such abusive fathers are locked up in jails in democratic countries.” Wasee Azim writes that “Why are boys killed like this?” If I was in that situation, I would have run away.

Tehbih writes that ‘this person will have to go to jail because he has harmed young souls’, while Taimur Hussain Mughal says that ‘then if children disobey such parents, these poor people will be blamed. You should also keep your attitude correct.’

Dr. Saba Usman wrote that in my opinion this is humiliating and condemnable. Everyone has self-respect, this is not a good way to restrain children. A home can be a good environment for communicating and resolving conflicts. Due to such pressure, mental health problems occur in children.

Why are you killing mom?

Talked to a few parents and tried to know what is the mentality behind such behavior and what is the opinion of parents on it?

In Pakistan, acts like beating children are considered socially acceptable, which is also reflected in some proverbs and idioms prevalent in the society.

Fatima Mustansar has an 11-year-old son and a six-year-old daughter. She says that she has never raised her hand on her son since that day when he once said, “Mom, you can understand, I will understand, why are you killing me?

According to him, ‘beating makes children dumb, they don’t improve. By beating children we only take out our frustration. When improving interpersonal communication processes, they learn and understand quickly.

Zakia Batul also has an 11-year-old son. She says that ‘if children are being abusive or misbehaving with their parents, it is common to think that if we beat them, they will get better and start listening to us, but this is wrong because in today’s time Those who are children have to be handled according to their thinking.’

“My son is good in studies, he understands,” she says. Where he does not understand, he puts a half hand, but it is to rebuke him. If you do too much, the child becomes rebellious.

‘Authority exists to protect children’

Former Advocate General of Sindh Zameer Ghamro says that there is a Child Protection Act for the protection of children in Sindh under which there is an authority that provides protection to children.

“This authority is under the social welfare department, if there is any complaint, it is the responsibility of this authority to provide protection to the children.”

Zameer Ghamro says that ‘Child Protection Unit can receive a complaint from anywhere and they can also take the help of the concerned police station and provide counseling for the child.’

Zameer Ghamro explains that a child affected by parental misbehavior can also file a complaint at the police station if a crime has been committed. But under normal circumstances, children don’t do that because there is a joint family system.

In such a case, it is the duty of the state to provide protection to the children. That is why this authority has been created in which any kind of violence against a child is a punishable offence.

It should be remembered that the Child Protection Authority has also been established by the federal government and the National Assembly had enacted its legislation.

According to the authority, protection will be provided to children subjected to physical and psychological violence and commercial sexual exploitation.

According to section 89 of the Pakistan Penal Code, beating a child is a punishable offense and according to this law, a person involved in violence against a child can be punished with imprisonment for a maximum of one year and a fine of fifty rupees. However, if there is any wound or injury, the punishment can be more.

“Violence on children causes physical, mental and emotional harm”
Mental health expert Dr. Heerlal Lohana says that ‘Parental abuse has negative and long-term effects on children. This violence causes physical, mental and emotional damage.

He says that this kind of beating affects the mental health of children the most and children can suffer from problems like post-traumatic disorder, anxiety, depression, mood disorder.

According to Dr Heera Lalal, children who grow up with beatings can develop a lack of confidence and social interaction.

“Children develop a lack of trust in relationships, can become angry and violent, and are at risk of becoming addicted to drugs later on.”

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